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Improve Your Fundraising This Year

While there’s always a committed core of eligible people who will contribute to your PAC no matter the appeal, most need a reason that benefits them more directly.

Make it personal—Target. Target. Target!  Your message, the messengers, the delivery system—your message could be perfect but still fail if it arrives in the wrong manner.  Get to know your eligibles and what works for them.

Switch up your approach—When is the last time you changed the format of your campaign?  There are so many ways to shake it up.  Involve new messengers.  Change up the flow.  Incorporate new communications platforms.  Host a competition.  Use multiple approaches that speak to your audience.

Don’t forget to teach—There is never enough time.  We are all overwhelmed with information.  Often your eligible audience isn’t even aware of how certain legislative issues can affect them and their business.  Take the time to ensure they understand what is at stake.

Get people involved—How much do your eligible employees/members know about the PAC?   Involve more of them in the PAC’s process.  Form a board that represents every business unit, set term limits for your PAC board, consider adding a PAC Advisory committee.  The more people who understand your PAC, the more advocates you’ll have.


Nearly  80% of corporate PACs have used peer-to-peer solicitations as a fundraising technique within the past two years.

*Based on Dunn Associates’ research with corporate PACs that raised $1 million or more during the 2010 election cycle.

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