Well-funded or not, taking your PAC to new heights is a constant challenge. As 2011 draws to a close, it’s time to chart the PAC’s course for next year.
1. Start with a plan
PACs that have clear goals and strategies are more successful. We see it all the time. Write down your PAC’s plan for 2012. Get your PAC board’s buy-in. Then, create a timeline and put the plan into action.
2. Add a new best practice
Dozens of best practices exist among PACs. It’s rare that one PAC embraces them all, but consider these: an annual report, website capable of taking online donations, a quarterly newsletter, expanding solicitations to everyone who is eligible, using video–just to name a few.
What best practice could you adopt next year that would really make a difference? Or, what best practice do you use that really needs to be improved?
3. Connect with donors differently
Donors and prospective donors want more information about their PAC. They want to know what it does and why, and what the benefits of membership are. Renew your efforts to deliver what your members (and potential members) want.
Try new ways to communicate with shorter copy, sharper presentation and new platforms. Use new messages and messengers. If you always send text email, try HTML. If your campaigns always begin with a CEO letter, deliver the message via video instead.
Whether your 2012 challenge is big or small, we offer innovative and creative solutions backed by rock-solid experience. Make this the year you max your PAC!
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